Saturday, 9 July 2011

Why do we find it so difficult to just HAVE faith?

Having faith means to believe in something you can't see...or even trust in something you can't see... It's like standing on a bridge with a bungee-chord around your legs..You don't have to think about it...or debate about it...JUST JUMP! Also it's like walking alone into a dark hall with a bright light at the end of trust in it because it's the only way to free yourself from the darkness and it seems very attractive to you and you have a good feeling/safe feeling about it. You TRUST it, even if your not sure about what it is......

Having faith is scary to allot of people, because this means you have to trust in something/someone besides yourself, and this means your not completely in control! AND you have to be okay with it, because YOU are doing it WILLINGLY!
WE are scared.... when we can't be in control of our own lives, it's human and "normal"...but when you truly have faith, you'll find yourself battling in FAITH, and then you will be fearless!

My only advice to you about faith is our gospel band's motto...Live life til you have faith, then live life because you have faith!

God Bless*

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