Tuesday 12 July 2011

Supernatural...do we dare talk about it?

Why is it that most people do not believe in supernatural beings? Maybe, because they can't see it..hmmm okay good point, then I ask you this...God is the super-est super supernatural being in existence, you can't see Him? So...why do you believe in Him? Oh because you have faith!

Supernatural is something that is beyond its natural surroundings, its more powerful! Its able to do so much more than its  natural surroundings! And also something that's able overpower its  natural surroundings.

Angels are supernatural...and also fallen angels... they are everywhere! all the time! Its awesome right?
The bad news is that not everyone can see them...only a select few, handpicked by God.
And then those selected few can't always see them either...only sometimes...I think its because God said that somethings will always remain a secret...This is maybe one of those things? who knows? All I know is that its this way for a reason, and that reason is to protect us!

God sent His angels to protect us...and the Holy Ghost to guide us....these are supernatural things! And they exist! And if you have chosen to be a follower of Jesus Christ...believe it or not, your also supernatural, you'll live forever!

When you're supernatural you are able overpower your  natural surroundings...the sinful world.  You are able to chose against it! You have the power to! ...but we don't always do that...

Because we are supernatural beings destined to live forever, and we don't believe it....
We don't have faith....

Saturday 9 July 2011

Why do we find it so difficult to KEEP faith?

This is a question I asked myself a few times before...WHY IS IT SO HARD TO KEEP FAITH??!! And the  answer is...because satan (Lucifer) hates it when we turn against him and his fallen angels....so he tries to deceive us. The thing is that, the moment you start living in faith, you start living more and more like Jesus...and that means satan will try even harder to deceive you, because if he deceives a follower of Jesus Christ, he has accomplished quite allot.

We have so much power in the name of Jesus Christ, so if you have faith in Him you have the power to stand up against satan and his fallen angels in the name of Christ Jesus...but satan has this way of pulling you down into the darkness at times in your life where you are spiritually tired, due to things he causes to happen in your life...This is when you are being tested...don't fall for satan's lies! His lies seems like the truth, because he usually attaches 10% truth to the rest of the 90% of his lie, and that 10% truth leads us to believe him...We fall for it, the lies.....

This is why it is important to study the Holy Bible, so we can resist satan's evil,  because the word of God is the only truth, and the truth will set you free!

God Bless*

Why do we find it so difficult to just HAVE faith?

Having faith means to believe in something you can't see...or even trust in something you can't see... It's like standing on a bridge with a bungee-chord around your legs..You don't have to think about it...or debate about it...JUST JUMP! Also it's like walking alone into a dark hall with a bright light at the end of it...you trust in it because it's the only way to free yourself from the darkness and it seems very attractive to you and you have a good feeling/safe feeling about it. You TRUST it, even if your not sure about what it is......

Having faith is scary to allot of people, because this means you have to trust in something/someone besides yourself, and this means your not completely in control! AND you have to be okay with it, because YOU are doing it WILLINGLY!
WE are scared.... when we can't be in control of our own lives, it's human and "normal"...but when you truly have faith, you'll find yourself battling in FAITH, and then you will be fearless!

My only advice to you about faith is our gospel band's motto...Live life til you have faith, then live life because you have faith!

God Bless*

Friday 22 April 2011

What About "Out Loud!"?

MIND...These are the things that influences us the most.

REJECTION...These are the things that keeps us chained to conformity.